Values & Mission Statement

Roots in Wellness is a collective of therapists from various cultural and religious backgrounds, bringing a wealth of personal experience, knowledge, and expertise to fit the unique needs of clients, students, and new therapists.


Roots in Wellness was founded on the premise of holistic health and healing. Kayleen and Jennifer began their journey in 2018 with the goal of having inclusive, holistic care for clients of all walks of life.

Throughout the years, Roots in Wellness has grown to be a collective of like-minded therapists working towards accessible therapy for all. We approach all clients, students, and supervisees with respect, inclusivity, and authenticity so that Roots and Wellness can continue to act as a safe and welcoming space for clients and therapists.

Jennifer and Kayleen have become Clinical Supervisors since starting Roots in Wellness, and are passionate about ushering the next generation of therapists into the profession through our support and growth mindsets.

Photo of drawn lotus leaves with words written on each pedal
"Respect, growth, support, authenticity, accessibility, inclusivity"
Photo of drawn lotus completed with no words


To our Clients

We are passionate about providing inclusive, accessible care for clients in need, and as we grow and learn, we hope to continue to find innovative and effective methods of ensuring that everyone has access to the care that they need and deserve.

We are committed to ensuring that we can provide culturally-sensitive therapy to people from all walks of life, and aim for Roots in Wellness to be a safe space for all.

To the Next Generation of Therapists

As mentors for the next generation of therapists, we are committed to providing a safe and inviting space for students and therapists to learn and grow.
We approach Clinical Supervision and mentorship with compassion and patience, and have the utmost respect for and confidence in our students and supervisees.