Support for LGBTQ+ Older Adults

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LGBTQ+ individuals are still facing stigma, discrimination, and hate in society, even through changes in legality and societal acceptance.

LGBTQ+ older adults, born before 1965, have lived through times when their identities were not only stigmatized, but criminalized. As Canada progressed through the decriminalization of homosexuality in 1969 and the legalization of equal marriage rights in 2005, LGBTQ+ older adults emerged from an era marked by medical and criminal persecution. The struggle for acceptance and recognition has left an indelible mark on their lives, shaping their perspectives, and influencing their relationships with healthcare and mental health professionals.

Supporting LGBTQ+ older adults requires that we understand the challenges they’ve likely faced in the past, and the challenges they may be facing today!

Common Challenges:

Though each person is unique, we understand that LGBTQ+ older adults are at much higher risk of these struggles.

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1. Financial Struggles: Many LGBTQ+ older adults, especially those who are racialized or transgender, face economic difficulties.

elderly man and screen with information that his services are no longer needed

2. Discrimination: Historical oppression, current discrimination, and fear of discrimination, impact mental health and well-being.

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3. Supportive Housing: LGBTQ+ older adults are more likely to live alone, making them more likely to need supportive housing, but limited LGBTQ+-friendly options may force older adults back into the closet.

an elderly man in blue shirt looking at the picture frame

4. Mental Health Disparities: LGBTQ+ older adults experience higher rates of mood disorders, anxiety, and substance use compared to their peers.

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5. Fear of Helping Professionals: Difficulty trusting medical and healthcare professionals due to past maltreatment.

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6. Loneliness: LGBTQ+ older adults have fewer family ties and friendships and are much lonelier as a result.

Our Commitments to You:

Our team at Roots in Wellness feels it is an incredible privilege to work with, and build the trust, of any older adult.

We are here to provide personalized, respectful, and accessible mental health support for all LGBTQ+ older adults.

If you or someone you love is an older adult who wants to learn more about therapy and see if it might be right for you, give us a call. 226-503-9412

If you need help or just want to chat, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at, or visit our team page.

By Joy Pekar

Intern Therapist, Roots in Wellness

MACP (Candidate), RP (Qualifying)
Read this blog on Joy’s website: Find Joy

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